The Ulvila coin hoard, conserved with the help of a Cultural Sponsor, will be exhibited in the National Museum of Finland

Exhibitions, Collections,

The largest medieval coin hoard discovered in the area of present day Finland was found in October 2004 in connection with the drainage works of the medieval church in Ulvila. A pewter jug buried in the ground was discovered next to the sacristy, near the northern wall of the church, and inside, there was a leather pouch containing a total of 1,474 medieval silver coins. The conservation of this coin hoard became possible in 2018 when Suomen Moneta became the project’s Cultural Sponsor.

By becoming a Cultural Sponsor, Suomen Moneta values the safeguarding of cultural heritage in Finland. This rare coin treasure was selected, since historical money reveal many stories about their own times. It is important to Suomen Moneta to ensure that the Ulvila coin hoard is now conserved as a memory for generations to come. “Conservation work enables us to protect these unique items, and Cultural Sponsors help make this work, often done behind the scenes, more visible,” says Head of the Conservation Division Eero Ehanti.  

The coins were probably hidden in the 1390s, and most of them were minted in Sweden, but a part also in Norway, Livonia and a single coin in Hamburg. The value of the hoard was significant in its time, as it was equal to 28 Swedish marks. In 1390, a cow cost two marks, so the Ulvila treasure could thus have been used to buy a near 15-head herd of cattle.  

The Ulvila coin hoard will be exhibited at the National Museum of Finland’s second-floor loft 20 February–2 June 2019.  

For more information, please contact
Intendant Eero Ehanti, Conservation Division,, tel. +358 (0)295 33 6139
Intendant Jani Oravisjärvi, Coin Chamber,, tel. +358 (0)295 33 6398
Communications Manager Sari Raki, Suomen Moneta,, tel. +358 (0)50 320 9787  

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Cultural heritage is everyone’s shared heritage – our roots. Through cultural sponsorship, the National Museum of Finland offers companies, associations and individuals opportunities to preserve it.  

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