
The museums and the museum shop are open on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 5 pm. Wednesday 10 am - 8 pm.

Free admission on Wednesday evenings is now available again.

You may read more about exceptions and the services available at the Maritime Centre Vellamo's website

Opening hours and prices 2024

Opening hours of the museums and restaurant

The icebreaker Tarmo ja Lightship Kemi are open during the summer season 2025. See opening hours.

Adults €15
Students, pensioners, unemployed and conscripts €10
Group ticket (at least 15 adults) €10 (per person)
Free admission for those under 18 years of age. Admission to the exhibitions is free to everyone on Wednesdays between 5pm and 8pm.

Admission only to the Icebreaker Tarmo, Lightship Kemi and Telkkä €10, starting 14.5.2024. Group ticket to museum ships Tarmo, Kemi and Telkkä (at least 15 adults) €8 (per person). Museum ships are open 14.5.-1.9.2024.

Vellamo accepts the Museum Card, Smartum Liikunta- ja kulttuuriseteli vouchers, VIRIKESETELI® and TICKET VIRIKE®.

Payment methods

Admission fees, tours and facility hire fees can be paid in cash or with most common debit and credit cards.
Vellamo accepts the Museum Card, Smartum, Epassi (mobile app), Eazybreak and Edenred.